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Marcel A.J. Somers:Low Temperature Surface Hardening of Stainless Steel—Basic Research, Innovation and Future Trends
点击率:483 作者:合肥工业大学 来源: 时间:2015-05-29
报告题目:Low Temperature Surface Hardening of Stainless Steel:Basic Research, Innovation and Future Trends

报告时间:2015年5月29日(星期五) 9:00


报 告 人:Prof. Marcel A.J. Somers

报告人单位:Technical University of Denmark (丹麦技术大学)

举办单位:材料科学与工程学院   有色金属与加工技术国家地方联合工程研究中心


Short CV of Marcel A.J. Somers:Marcel A.J. Somers was born in 1960 in Vlissingen, The Netherlands. He studied physical metallurgy at Delft University of Technology (TUD) and acquired his Ir. degree (comparable to M.Sc) in 1985 and his Dr. Ir. degree (equivalent to 4 years of research) in 1989. After employments with Philips and at TUD, he became full Professor of Physical Metallurgy in 1997 at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), where he has led the Section for Materials and Surface Engineering at the Department of Mechanical Engineering since 2000. He has (co-)authored over 200 international publications, including several patents. He is the co-founder of two companies in the field of thermochemical surface engineering and has received several honours and awards for his scientific, teaching and innovation activities.


Stainless steel is widely applied because of its attractive anti-corrosion performance, but suffers from poor wear and fatigue performance. Low-temperature surface hardening of stainless steel by surface alloying with interstitial elements as nitrogen and carbon is an attractive process enhancing the surface hardness and introducing a compressive residual stress profile, while maintaining, or even improving, the corrosion performance. In the last 15 years the author has been involved in several aspects of the basic research, providing the basis for understanding microstructure evolution during dissolving nitrogen and/or carbon into austenitic (and martensitic) stainless steel. Apart from basic research new processing routes for efficient surface engineering were patented and licensed, sold or used to establish a company exploiting stainless steel surface hardening on a commercial industrial scale.In the presentation the research aspects that have led to the current state of the art are presented. These aspects involve the determination of fundamental crystallographic parameters, thermodynamics and diffusion kinetics, as well as the occurrence of huge composition-induced compressive residual stresses in surface layers and the modeling aspects of the evolving composition and stress profiles. Furthermore, future trends in alloy development for targeted materials optimization are presented.

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