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点击率:2222 作者:合肥工业大学 来源:http://ysjs.hfut.edu.cn 时间:2016-06-25

1) Xiaoyue Tan, Laima Luo, Hongyu Chen, Xiaoyong Zhu, Xiang Zan, Guangnan Luo, Junling Chen, Ping Li, Jigui Cheng, Dongping Liu and Yucheng Wu*. Mechanical properties and microstructural change of W-Y2O3 alloy under helium irradiation. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 12755(1-12).
2) Lingjuan Liu, Guan Zhang, John T. S. Irvine and Yucheng Wu*. Organic semiconductor g-C3N4 modified TiO2 nanotube arrays for enhanced photoelectrochemical performance in wastewater treatment. Energy Technology, 2015, 3, 982-988.
3) Huazhen Gao, Honge Wang, Youlai Jin, Jun Lv*, Guangqing Xu, Dongmei Wang, Xinyi Zhang, Zhong Chen, Zhixiang Zheng and Yucheng Wu*. Controllable fabrication of immobilized ternary CdS/Pt-TiO2 heteronanostructures toward high-performance visible-light driven photocatalysis. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17, 17755 -17761.
4) Jiewu Cui, Xinyi Zhang, Liang Tong, Jinbao Luo, Yan Wang, Yong Zhang, Kui Xie and Yucheng Wu*. A facile synthesis of mesoporous Co3O4/CeO2 hybrid nanowire arrays for high performance supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 10425-10431.
5) Gongbo Cao, Yong Zhang, Wenyuan Yan, Yan Wang, Jiewu Cui, Jiaqin Liu, Qi Zhou, Ying Chen, Ting Xie, Yucheng Wu*. Facile synthesis of hybrid sodium tungsten oxide@carbon nanocables on reduced graphene oxide nanosheets. Materials Letters, 2015, doi: 10. 1016 /j.matlet.2015.08.114.
6) Edward Ogabiela, Samuel B. Adeloju, Jiewu Cui, Yucheng Wu, Wei Chen. A novel ultrasensitive phosphate amperometric nanobiosensor based on the integration of pyruvate oxidase with highly ordered gold nanowires array. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 71, 278-285.
7) Jiewu Cui, Edward E. Ogabiela, Jianing Hui, Yan Wang, Yong Zhang, Liang Tong, Jianfang Zhang, Samuel B. Adeloju, Xinyi Zhang and Yucheng Wu*. Electrochemical biosensor based on Pt/Au alloy nanowire arrays for phosphate detection. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2015, 162, B62-B67.
8) Shigang Chen, Kui Xie*, Dehua Dong, Huaxin Li, Qingqing Qin, Yong Zhang, Yucheng Wu*. A composite cathode based on scandium-doped chromate for direct high- temperature steam electrolysis in a symmetric solid oxide electrolyzer. Journal of Power Sources, 274 (2015) 718-729.

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